Texas Holdem Home Game Rules

Omaha is a lot like Texas Hold’em at first glance, but there are some important and fun. Games of Texas Hold’em may be played with many different betting structures. Common ones include Limit Hold’em, where the amount a player may bet is set by the rules of the game, and No Limit Hold’em, where players are free to bet as much of the money they have at the table as they wish at any time.

  1. Texas Holdem online, free
  2. Texas Holdem Card Game

Welcome to Texas Holdem Game

Actor Kevin Costner said in 'Field of Dreams,' 'if you build it, they will come.' So, now you need players. Typically, no more than eight to 10 people per table, and if you're new at. He is the author of hundreds of articles and two books, Winning 7-Card Stud (Kensington 2003) and Winning No-Limit Hold'em (Lighthouse 2012). He is also the host of poker radio show House of Cards.

When it comes to the best known modern poker variation, Texas Hold’em, the rules are quite simple and easy to learn.The game is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, without jokers. Every player receives two cards, known as the hole cards.

Texas Holdem Game is a site that explains how to play the game of texas holdem. To play texas holdem online you need nerves of steal and a the patience of a turtle. Texas Holdem Tournaments are fast paced and exciting, however if you want to play in a texas holdem game where the element of luck is eliminated you need to wait until the blinds increase to a point where every play becomes important and where every texas holdem player at your table understand the consequences of getting involved in a hand against you. Playing texas holdem online is an easy way to learn the game of texas holdem without the financial risks nor the potential delays to playing in a land based poker room. If you want to play Texas Holdem for FREE try NLOP, it's free. The software is a bit strange at times and the bots play funny sometimes but there are real players on there too and it is actually quite fun. I have tried the site and I have finished in the top 10% over fifty percent of the time, so I suppose it is a site full of donkeys. If you enjoy Texas Holdem Tournaments either on a single table, a ring game, or a multi table format, you are sure to find the online texas holdem game that suits your comfort level right there on a FREE poker site. It doesn't get better than that. There are plenty of tournaments that go off each night with 50 to 95 participants so at least you can play for an hour or two and no harm like I said you cannot lose a penny. And don't worry if you miss a tournament as there are more coming up all the time. In fact NLOP gives away $100,000 a month in prizes for FREE, and who can beat that?

The key to playing the game of texas hold em is betting. In order to play texas holdem properly you need to be able to get the value out of your hand by betting the right amount at the right time. For example if the blinds were $10 - $20 and you were the first to act and you had $2,000 in chips (most at your table) and you had AA do you think anyone would call you if you bet $2,000 to see the flop? I think not. So when you figure out how much to bet for the hand you have and against the players at your table and given your position in the hand you need to be ready to bet and ready to fold at the same time. This is how people can become great bluffers. They bet one way with a great hand and then make an equivalent bet with nothing - are you going to call them with J 9 suited? If you can get other texas holdem players to call you with sub par hands means you are dictating the betting. Sooner or later people get tired of calling with second or bottom pair, or even Ace high. This is why the best players are also the best bluffers and the best hand readers and why betting, not calling, is such an essential part of the game. And please don’t forget that betting and position are such a big part of the texas holdem game that you might say it is like what bread and beef is to a hamburger.

Simple examples of pretty obvious bluffing can be found in many of the online Pot Limit and No Limit tournaments. When flops such as 3h, Jh, Qs hit the board with several players in the pot and a person from an opening position leading out for a small percentage of the pot, this is a sign of weakness and chances are that this player is not very good and in this case he or she has nothing. Let's say you noticed that five people limped into the pot (called to see the flop) at $50 each and then the first person to act bet $50 into the post flop pot, you know that this person is out of the pot (unless they are trapping) and unless someone else raises a significant percentage of the pot (minimum 70% of the pot) you will know the original bettor has no chance of winning this hand and little chance of winning the pot. In addition you know that they are a bad player and not someone you should worry about.

In fact this kind of a terrible play is not in any poker book because the facts are this player is no competition for you. More often than not when $50 is bet into a multi player pot where the opening blinds were $50 per player if other players call this bet than either one or more of them are trapping or they are all very poor players. If the turn card looks to be of little help to the players remaining in the hand (this is the case when the turn card does not provide a flush or straight possibility or does not match one of the cards on the flop, then in this case if you are first to act you can check raise or simply raise in position (the size of the pot) and odds are you will take the hand right then and there. Even if you get called chances are very good that the player calling is still drawing to a made hand and the probability is true that they will not hit their card or cards.

Watch how many times players make small bets post flop like this in online texas holdem tournaments. These bets are simply pointless for if you are sitting with anything why give any indication? And if you have anything and wish to protect it, you would obviously bet the pot, and betting the pot in a position like this really doesn't give much away. It's easy to be on a draw here, or just as easy to have a set. The wrong tactical move to make or stupid move to make here is to try to stone cold bluff at the pot from an early position. This is a situation that should not happen, however sometimes it does and you can thank your lucky stars that online texas holdem players are so.


Many inexperienced texas holdem players, when holding a pair, will attempt to slow down the action and do their best to get a really cheap card; a maneuver that is doomed to failure if anyone in the game can play at all. This is one of the more obvious bluffs in smaller Limit tournaments and games with which you need to become familiar. A more skilled bluffer may sense weakness from a limper or several limpers and raise a pot size bet, attempting to steal the pot if he misses the flop. This type of a move is not for everyone and few if any players who attempt such a move will follow through to the river on a bigger bet. Many can attempt a bluff but the real bluffers follow through. A common scenario - a player will attempt to bluff and the others will sense this (or at least think they sense it) and take away the bluffer’s thunder by raising. Now a better bluffer/card reader (someone with the nerve or confidence in his ability) will realize what has occurred and follows through, raising again or go all-in, with nothing but his gut feeling telling him he is making the correct play. These are the bluffers. These are the true players of the game. It doesn't take much of a player to attempt a bluff, but step the play up one notch and you have a player that will make a read he suspects the other player is bluffing. Now tell me you haven't seen this when playing online or in a land based poker room. Many players like to show they raise you with nothing. How many times have you wished you had raised them again, after you bet and they raised?

Have you ever laid down a set on the flop playing Hold’em without a flush or straight possibility? Have you ever laid down KK before the flop? If you ever laid a hand like this down against a world class player be aware that they will own you. Players think they are being so smart showing hands like this, but this is a real mistake. The hand is too strong. Obviously occasions will occur when a player will be so obvious this lay down can be made, but if this player can be made to lay down hands like this, and show it also, he cannot win in the long run.

Have any of you given much thought on how you would proceed when a sizable bet is made pre-flop and you hold AA? Is it really correct to go all in at this time? If you are guaranteed a call, this is always acceptable. If you aren't, why raise? Allow the KK to have the lead and bluff the money off, thinking he is betting the best hand. Players are always far more eager to bet their chips off than to call.

The main mistake made by players who bluff in Pot Limit and No Limit games is the amount they bet. Use this as a normal guideline for bluffing if the blinds are $25-$50 and you opened for $150 and received a call. If you miss and intend to bluff, follow through with a bet about equal to the pot. Also use this as a guide for betting when you flop a big hand. Your main focus for betting and bluffing should be putting yourself in the shoes of the player who's facing you. If he bets, what you would do with what type of hand and how to adjust to the play.

I am a firm believer in not making big lay downs. One reason is I sense a possibility far earlier in a hand that the player may have something. So I slow the action down to adjust for this. (There are many ways to skin a cat.) Realize not everyone holding AA can break a person holding KK. Then accept that if you can't break a person when he has KK and you have AA, you need some adjustment to your play! The numero uno best way to break KK is to have him bet the chips off while you call.

This is how to play the game of texas holdem.

Texas holdem is the most popular variation of poker played
online and in casinos and poker rooms everywhere in the world.
Its popularity has led to many different variations, both in
casinos and in home and private games.

The first three sections below include information about
limits that Texas holdem and its variants can be played in. Any
of the variants listed in the sections after the next three can
be played in any of the three limits.

The game variants listed in the sections after the limit
sections have varying degrees of popularity. Omaha holdem can be
found in many poker rooms and casinos and is widely available
online. Pineapple can be found in a limited number of poker
rooms, and most of the others are only found in private and home
games at this time.


A limit betting structure is commonly found in use for Texas
holdem games, but it isn’t as popular as no limit play. In limit
play each betting round has a set betting limit. This limit is
usually one amount during the flop and immediately following the
flop and twice this amount on the turn and river betting rounds.


A limit Texas holdem game with a 4 / 8 limit has bets of $4
during the first two betting rounds and exactly $8 during the
final two betting rounds. So each bet and / or raise is exactly
$4 before and on the flop. If player 1 bets $4 and player 2
raises she must put $8 in the pot, $4 to call the original bet
and a raise of another $4.

Blinds are usually set based on the limits, with the big
blind being equal to the lower betting limit and the small blind
being half the big blind. In the example we just looked at the
big blind would be $4 and the small blind is $2.

No Limit

No limit play has the same blind structure found in limit
games and usually has a minimum bet limit per round, but at any
time a player, when it’s their turn to act, may bet up to and
including the total number of chips they have in front of them.
This is the most common betting structure found in Texas holdem
games and also most of the variations listed below except for
Omaha holdem.

One of the common misconceptions of non-poker players and
beginners is if a player has more money than another and moves
all of their chips into the pot that the player with fewer chips
can’t play or loses automatically. What actually happens is the
player with more chips gets back their chips in excess of the
other player’s total amount.


I player A has $250 and moves all in and player B has $200
and calls, player A receives $50 back so each player has $200 in
the pot.

This can get somewhat complicated if multiple players are in
a pot with differing chip stacks. When multiple players get all
in with different stack sizes the dealer creates different pots
with the main pot being the total amount of the player with the
smallest stack which anyone remaining in the hand can win.

The first side pot will be bets in excess of the amount the
smallest stack held, with only players who contribute to the
second pot eligible to win it. A third, fourth, and so on, side
pot can be built in large multi way pots. You don’t have to
worry about this as the dealer takes care of it, but it’s good
to understand how it works to make sure the dealer doesn’t make
any mistakes.


A pot ends up with four players all in, and the hand starts
with the following chip counts:

  • Player A has $700 in chips
  • Player B has $800 in chips
  • Player C has $900 in chips
  • Player D has $1,000 in chips

The main pot ends up with $2,800 in it and any of the four
players can win it. The first side pot has $300 in it and
players B, C, and D can each win it. The second side pot ends up
with $200 in it and only players C and D can win it. Notice that
player D will only have $900 invested because she started with
at least $100 more money than any of the other players.

At the showdown the player who’s eligible for each pot with
the highest hand is awarded that pot. Different players can win
each pot or the same player can win all of the pots. This
example ignores the small amount of the blinds and rake that
often make a pot not come out quite so evenly for instructional

Pot Limit

Pot limit is mostly found in Omaha games, but a few Texas
holdem games are played in a pot limit format. One of the issues
with pot limit play is the dealer has to understand how the
betting structure works and be able to quickly determine the pot
size. When playing online the software platform takes care of
all of the calculations, but in live play the dealer needs to be
either experienced, or quite sharp, or both.

The blinds and minimum bets on each round are set by the
house, just like in limit and no limit play, but the maximum
amount any player may bet at one time is the amount of money in
the pot. But the amount of the pot also includes the amount it
takes to call an earlier bet, so a pot sized bet can be bigger
than most players think. Look at the two following examples for
a better understanding of how pot sized bets work.

Example #1

The pot has $125 in it after the flop and the
first player wants to raise the size of the pot. She bets $125
and play continues to the next player. This is fairly
straightforward and easy, because the player is starting the
betting round.

Example #2

Using the previous example as a setup, the next
player to act wants to raise as much as possible. The pot now
has $250 in it, but the maximum raise is actually higher than
$250. Though the player must state their intention to raise, the
pot size is calculated by first adding the call of $125 to the
pot and then determining the maximum raise amount. So once the
$125 call is added the pot now has $375 in it, so the player can
raise another $375. So they put a total of $500 in the pot,
which is the $125 call and the $375 raise.

This is why the dealer needs to understand how pot limit play
works and stay on top of the game.

In real life pot limit games it’s rarely this complicated and
most poker rooms let players operate with bet maximums close to
the pot size. If the pot has anywhere between $90 and $110 or
somewhere close to this range a player can bet $100. As long as
players are close to the pot size with their maximum bets it’s
usually acceptable for all of the players. This way the dealer
doesn’t have to keep an exact count on the pot.

Occasionally you’ll play against a player who can keep the
running pot amount in his or her head and announce it whenever
anyone needs to know. This can be a bit intimidating, but most
of these players aren’t any more than decent poker players. Just
because you can keep track of a pot doesn’t mean you’re a great
poker player.


Pineapple poker is played exactly like Texas holdem except
you start with three hole cards instead of two. You discard one
card face down before the flop. Traditionally you discard your
third card after the pre flop betting round, but in some places
you discard it before the pre flop betting round. It doesn’t
really matter which way you play, as long as you stay

Most Pineapple games are played as no limit, but it can
easily be played in limit and pot limit. In comparison to Texas
holdem, Pineapple hand values run a little higher, but not
extremely so. Three of a kind hands and flushes are more likely
to happen in Pineapple because it’s easier to start with a
pocket pair and it’s more likely to have two cards of the same

Overall, if you can beat Texas holdem you should be able to
quickly adjust your game to be a winning Pineapple player. The
same concepts of tight and aggressive play tend to do well in
Pineapple, just like in Texas holdem. Poor players tend to play
too many hands in Pineapple because they have a third starting
card, making it look like they have a better hand than they
really do.

Crazy Pineapple

Crazy Pineapple starts the same way as regular Pineapple, but
you don’t discard your third hole card until after the betting
round following the flop. This tends to make players stay in the
hand longer, leading to larger average pots than in a similar
Texas holdem game. It’s usually played in no limit format.

The average winning hand strength is better than in a Texas
holdem game because of the extra starting card and the
possibility to see six total cards before the turn and river.
Just like regular Pineapple, if you’re a good holdem player you
shouldn’t have much trouble adjusting your game to be a winning
Crazy Pineapple player.

Omaha Holdem

Omaha holdem, often just called Omaha, is the second most
popular form of poker played online and in poker rooms around
the world. The main differences between Texas holdem and Omaha
are each player receives four hole cards instead of two, and
each player must use exactly two of their hole cards and three
community cards to make a hand.

Omaha is sometimes played as high only, like Texas holdem,
but it’s also played in high / low, usually with an eight high
qualifier. Though 7 Card Stud can be played high / low, Omaha is
about the only game found at this time that is played for low.
Razz is a low only game, but finding a game is almost

In a high / low Omaha game the pot is split between the best
high hand and the best low hand if a qualifying low hand is
shown down. A qualifying low hand must have five unpaired cards
ranked eight or below. See our Omaha poker section for a
complete explanation of the rules.

From a strategy standpoint if you’re starting to play Omaha
and have been playing Texas holdem, the most important thing to
remember is just because you have twice as many hole cards it
doesn’t mean you can play twice as many hands. You should
actually play no more hands than a winning Texas holdem player
does, and many good Omaha players play fewer hands.

The other important thing that trips up many beginning Omaha
players is never forget you have to use two of your hole cards.

You can’t use more or less than three community cards. This
can lead to costly mistakes if you forget it.

Omaha, in both high only and high / low, can be played in no
limit, pot limit, or limit, but most games are limit and pot

Aviation Holdem

Aviation holdem is a cross between Omaha and Pineapple. You
start with four hole cards and discard one before the flop and
another one after the flop. This form of holdem is rare and most
players aren’t familiar with it. The odds of it passing Omaha in
popularity aren’t good because it’s almost exactly like Omaha
high only, but in Omaha you keep all four cards for the entire

The value of winning hands at showdown is almost identical to
Omaha high only, which means better than the average Texas
holdem hand, but not outrageously better. Winning Texas holdem
players and wining Omaha payers won’t have much trouble
adjusting to Aviation holdem winning play.

Tahoe Holdem or Lazy Pineapple

Tahoe holdem, also called Lazy Pineapple in some places, has
each player receive three hole cards and keep them throughout
the hand. It’s a cross between Texas holdem and Omaha. Other
than three hole cards it plays exactly like Texas holdem.

This variation can be played in a high / low split version
like Omaha high / low, but it’s rarely played this way. The
average winning hand value is slightly better than Texas holdem,
but not extremely better.

Speed Holdem

Of all of the variations listed on this page Speed holdem is
probably the rarest and is only found in home or private games.
In Speed holdem each player is dealt four hole cards and each
player immediately discards two of them. Then all five community
cards are dealt face up in the center of the table. This is
followed by the single betting round and showdown.

All other rules are the same as a normal Texas holdem game
and Speed holdem can be played in limit, pot limit, and no limit
varieties, but it’s almost always played in no limit.

Texas Holdem online, free


It’s easy to get bored playing regular Texas holdem, which
leads to all kinds of problems. When you get bored you may play
too many hands, let your mind wander so you miss important parts
of the game, and just play worse than normal overall.

Texas Holdem Card Game

Now you know how to play many of the popular variations of
Texas holdem, so the next time you start getting bored or just
want a change, look for one of the variations listed above. Or
get some friends together and start your own game of Pineapple
or Tahoe holdem.